Osteoarthritis is one of the most degenerative joint disease. The disease advances slowly and is associated with poor mobility outcomes in the joints of affected patients. While the exact biological cause of Osteoarthritis is unknown, scientists have identified several risk factors. Elements of strass and trauma at high levels placed upon joint stress points, often speed up the degeneration associated with Osteoarthritis.

More than 59 million individuals in the United States are affected by Osteoarthritis each year. As such researchers have developed a focus on improving senior mobility by addressing Osteoarthritis that occurs in the knee specifically. The treatment of the disease has responded to the use of Aquamin seaweed to increase the nutritional and mineral constitution of affected patients.

Non-steroidal and Anti-inflammatory Drugs

Traditionally, researchers note, non-steroidal and anti-inflammatory drugs are used to help patients experience pain relief from Osteoarthritis. However, the long-term use of such drugs has resulted in dangerous side effects. The need to develop a health and natural-based alternative drove researchers to identify how a preliminary randomized group trial could reveal mineral compositions of seaweed. During the study, the researchers were able to boost positive health properties that reduce pain and symptoms associated with Osteoarthritis.

In assessing a seaweed compound called Aquamin, researchers identified a mineral ratio that could be assimilated in sea water and provide substantial support to affected patients. The researchers noted that the distribution of calcium, magnesium and phosphors, among others, provided

The study was designed to assess the baseline demographic responses of trial patients during a treatment timeline based on univariate analysis across all groups including the placebo group. Subjects in the study described how the longest treatment of Aquamin reduced the reliance on non-steroidal drugs for pain control. Subjects reported less pain in the affected knees during the use of Aquamin.

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Frestedt, J. L., Kuskowski, M. A., & Zenk, J. L. (2009). A natural seaweed derived mineral supplement (Aquamin F) for knee osteoarthritis: A randomized, placebo controlled pilot study. Nutrition Journal, 81-8. doi:10.1186/1475-2891-8-7.